This web page aims to include all documentation relating to LFG’s ESG approach and sustainable investment. These extra-financial items should be linked to the funds’ financial documentation. A copy of full Prospectuses, the Key information document for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) and the most recent financial statements in English and other languages, where relevant, can be obtained upon request at www.lazardfreresgestion.com [provide the precise link to the documentation]. Existing and potential investors are advised to read them and take note of the risk warnings. Investment decisions must be based on the review of all fund documentation; final investment decisions should not be made solely on the basis of this message. Lazard Frères Gestion reserves the right to withdraw funds from marketing at any time and without notice.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The value of investments is subject to market fluctuations and the income they generate may rise and fall. They are subject to the risks inherent in any investment (including the risk of loss of capital) and you may not get back the full amount of the capital you invested. No guarantee can be given that the fund will achieve its investment or performance objectives. The opinions expressed in this document are subject to change. Taxation may vary for each client and it is recommended that you consult a professional tax adviser.