Assets under management
Inception date
Recommended investment period
Country of registration
Benchmark index
Risk scale
SFDR Classification (Sustainability)
Morningstar overall rating
Morningstar Sustainability Rating
Regulatory and Financial
Benchmark index | |
Year to date | - |
1 year | - |
3 years | - |
5 years | - |
Year to date |
1 year |
3 years |
5 years |
From 10 years |
Benchmark index | - | - | - | - |
Starting NAV:
End NAV:
Performance over the period:
Index performance over the period: -
Fund managers
Inception date | - |
AMF Category | - |
ISIN Code | - |
Legal form | - |
Benchmark currency | - |
Benchmark index | - |
Allocation of net results | - |
Valuation Frequency | - |
Fractions | - |
Custodian | - |
Fund administrator | - |
Management company | - |
Currency hedging | - |
Performance fees | - |
Performance fees trigger | - |
Swing pricing | - |
Maximum fees
Subscription fees | 0 % |
Redemption fees | 0 % |
Fixed management fees | 0 % |
Financial management fees | 0 % |
Administrative fees external to the management company | 0 % |
Performance fees | - |
How to subscribe?
How to subscribe?Informations sur les performances
- Past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future performance. Performance over a period of less than one year is given for information purposes only. This performance is given as an indication only and should be assessed at the end of the recommended investment period. Performance is calculated after the deduction of management fees, but does not include taxes or subscription or redemption fees, which are borne by the purchaser. Past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future performance. The instruments or securities described in this document are subject to market fluctuations, and no guarantee can be given for their performance or future development.
- The risk ratios presented are calculated on a monthly basis.
- Risk scale: considers the historical volatility of the UCIs over a five-year period. If the fund does not have five years of records, the level of risk is calculated based on the volatility of a benchmark indicator or the target volatility of the strategy. The management company may adjust the calculated level of risk according to the specific risks for the fund. This risk scale is provided for informational purposes only and may be modified without prior notification.
- Investors seeking to invest in the fund must first carefully read the prospectus, which describes its characteristics, risks and fees. The prospectus, PRIIPS KID and financial reports are available on the Lazard Frères Gestion website and from our local distributors.
- Reference to a ranking, price or rating does not guarantee future performance of the UCIs or of its manager. The methodology is available from the fund organisers.
- Notation Morningstar OverallTM - Morningstar Analyst RatingTM .
25, rue de Courcelles
75 008 Paris
+33 (0)1 44 13 04 61
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33 000 Bordeaux
+33 (0)5 56 44 30 00
29 place Bellecour
69 002 Lyon
+33 (0)4 72 69 95 80
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44 000 Nantes
+33 (0)2 28 08 28 78
Blue Tower
Avenue Louise, 326
1050 Bruxelles
+32 (0)2 627 08 80
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L-2449 Luxembourg
+352 273 00 810